The Best Financial services for you
Promoting the responsible use of short term loans! Short term loans on your terms getting short term loans means getting money fast and solving an immediate financial problem. Borrowers pay back short term loans within a few weeks, so there is no long-term debt.
Below are some of the key points to our financial services
We provide a quick loan to cover your mortgage expenses.
Emergency Loan
We grant fast and reliable easy accessible loans for your emergency.
Student loan
We provide student loans to families and individuals in need.
Cash Advance Loan
We grant short-term loans against your credit card.
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Save, Fast Loan Approval & Grow
We are all about helping you reach your next financial goal by offering great rates, less fees, unprecedented services and awesome loan help..
Easy Loan Approvals
Most short term loan applications are approved in just a matter of hours.
18-30% Interest recalculated on the reducing balance for a maximum period of 2 months and loan amounts of K5,000 to K40,000
Our team of expert financial advisors are available to help you in making a financial decision prior to accessing your loan.
Any time, any day, Pay-day, Gratuity, Advance Order/Sales (vehicle, property, Agro-Produce), loans and quick in sorting-out liquidity.
Hassle free
Borrowers pay back short term loans within a few weeks, so there's no long-term debt.
Safe and Secure
Short term loans help borrowers stay financially on schedule.